DNA and Genealogy
DNA has revolutionised genealogy in both positive and negative ways. There have been many stories in the media about people who have discovered that someone they thought was their father/grandfather/great grandfather etc was not. On the positive side it has allowed people to discover an unknown parent, grandparent etc and solve illegitimacy mysteries in their family trees.If you have had a DNA test done in order to locate a possibly living relative, an adoptive parent or to help you figure out some other knotty genetic problem then there are genealogists who specialise in this such as:
Alternatively, you can go to the AGRA website and search for someone who has declared a research speciality of Adoption or DNA and Genetics or Living Persons.
AGRA’s code of Practice and Ethics does not allow me to accept commissions or agree to undertake research beyond my abilities. While I have studied DNA in relation to genealogy as part of my Masters it is not my speciality. I don’t want to waste your time or money so if you have a complicated DNA situation then commissioning one of these specialists will be much more effective than working with me.