Terms and Conditions
The genealogy research services contracted shall include: reviewing information provided by the Client; formulation of a work plan; genealogical and related research; analysis of evidence; evaluation and where necessary translation/transcription of documents; a written report. I will use my professional judgement to carry out the research in the most productive manner to achieve your goals. I do not wish to duplicate work already performed, but there will be some necessary checking of information supplied by the Client if it seems that earlier researches are incomplete or incorrect or conclusions unjustified.
The report will include:
details of successful and unsuccessful searches;
where appropriate, pedigree charts, family group sheets and other charts or sheets to illustrate the research (which are summaries only and are not to be construed as evidence of the data summarised therein;
evidence to support any conclusions (in the body of the report);
negative findings and unsuccessful searches (which are chargeable work).
copies of documents (where permitted by copyright, licensing and/or other restrictions) and, where applicable, translations/transcriptions or abstracts of documents,
recommendations for further research.
I will always try to find primary and reliable sources. Where secondary sources are used, this will be made clear, and an assessment made of the reliance that may be placed on them.
Should it become clear at any point that little information is likely to be found, I will inform the Client and discuss whether to end the research. In such a case, any unused portion of the fee will be reimbursed to the Client.
I intend to send your report to you as quickly as possible, and within 30 days or sooner. If it seems that the timescale must be extended, I will contact you to discuss this.
I will discuss with you, at the outset, whether or not you wish to be told about potentially distressing or uncomfortable discoveries, such as:
family events - illegitimate births, divorces, remarriages, adoptions
court and legal events – arrests, imprisonments etc.
medical – illnesses, causes of death (including murders and suicides) etc
I will not disclose details of living persons except in the following circumstances:
where a previously-unknown living relative or other living person is discovered, I will contact you as the Client
if agreed, and additional to this schedule of work, I will attempt to contact the person concerned and only if both parties agree, they will be put in contact with each other.
Fees and expenses
An hourly rate of £20 is chargeable for an agreed number of hours, payable on receipt of the completed report. Should the Client require additional work, a suggested schedule of research and costs will be negotiated. Other charges will be billed on completion of each contracted stage of the project.
Research time includes travel as well as personal, telephone and/or e-mail consultations with the Client.
Extraordinary expenses will be reimbursable by the Client. This will include the costs of extraordinary travel and the production of the printed report, I will check with you before incurring any significant expense on an item or service.
The Client understands that the Genealogist cannot guarantee finding any person or person(s), family, or other information, and that the Genealogist cannot predict whether a search will be successful or unsuccessful
Copyright and Future Use of Work Product
The Client becomes the owner of the report in its physical form. However, it remains the copyright of the Genealogist, and the Client must obtain the Genealogist’s express written permission to publish any part of the report in any format, printed or electronic.
The Client may make a small number of personal copies of the copyrighted report, but you agree that you will not otherwise publish or make multiple copies of the report without written permission. You further agree that if you make limited distribution of any anything that includes my research, in whole or in part, you will report it accurately and credit the source. All attributions, document footers and copyright statements must be retained in any copy made.
The Client should also be aware that the copies of any documents or other materials supplied with the report may be subject to third-party copyright and should not be reproduced or sold on in any way without the express written permission of the copyright holder. We will be happy to help the Client seek such copyright.
Code of Ethics
I will:
Be honest and discreet in relations with clients, the public and fellow professionals.
Avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and research.
Offer candid advice concerning the possible or probable results of any projected research.
Make reports as clear and as definite as the facts allow.
Clearly explain, if unable to resolve a client's problems, the reason why, and if possible suggest alternative avenues of research.
Strive to avoid the misquotation of any documents, or the citing as authoritative of any questionable source.
Seek, when appropriate, to examine original sources.
Respect the confidential nature of a client's work, and not divulge any information concerning a client's family, business or personal affairs without prior consent.
Declare any personal or financial interest which might tend to compromise impartiality towards a client
I will not:
Engage in exaggerated, misleading or false publicity.
Knowingly publish as fact anything known to be false or unproven, nor be a party to such action by others.
Knowingly injure or attempt to injure the professional reputation, prospects or practice of any other genealogist or professional researcher.
Present another's work as their own.
Conceal or withhold data relevant to a client's instructions.
Publish the results of research for which clients have paid without prior consent.
The agreed fee for initial research is £20.00 per hour.
Payment should be by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
Payment will be in Pounds Sterling (GBP) and converted into your local currency at the rate obtaining on that day.
No work will be undertaken until the initial payment is received
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